Thursday, December 16, 2004


We sold our house in 36 hours, for 5 grand over the asking price, and the guy didn't care if we took our refrigerator.

I almost feel as if we are taking advantage of his good nature.

But --


Now we are looking at moving in less than one month!!!!

The inspection of this house is today, and our new house will be inspected on Friday. We had a sweaty moment when we could not reach Emmy (the seller) because she was out of town and didn't give us her cell number. !!! What was she thinking?! Of course, she didn't have any idea that our house would sell so fast. Nobody did, really. Our realtors are all a-tingle. Talk about your easy money!

Must run, have to gather pets and baby and be out of here in less than one hour, and have not showered yet. Evidently I am very ambitious. And have lousy sense of urgency.

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